Yesterday is history…Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift,..that is WHY they call it the present

Here is a question you must ask yourself…What did I do yesterday, that I have to work on today, to improve my tomorrow?

Every day and I mean Everyday tell yourself that Today…Today I am having a Character Building Day. Then go to work on it.

Look around and see what is going on around you with Successful people, and then tell yourself…You may out do me, but you will never out work me. But you must first learn to work smart and then you can work hard. It makes the job a whole lot easier. You see when you work smart, hard work is a cinch.


The great Vince Lombardi once said …The harder you work the harder it is to Surrender……I say to you never Surrender.


You will hear upon your Success HOW lucky you are…But the truth be told..Luck is when opportunity meets hard work. You see the smarter and harder you work appears the Luckier you become.

Opportunity…opportunity is wherever you are at this NOW moment.

If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you are not sure you can do it…say yes..Then learn how to do it later.

Know this… Success is the Fruit of Effort.

You and only you should stand guard at the door of your mind. You control what is to enter and what you pass out in voice…and what you show to the world.


You know that Poor thinking habits keep most people Poor…

Believe this …THE EYES ARE USELESS…WHEN THE MIND IS BLIND. Listen and listen firmly at what I just said..

Great Success is when you learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

You see if you work hard on your job you can make a living…but if you work hard on yourself you can make a fortune.

Realize this.. that Success is not of short supply!!!

When you STOP working for money, and start working for the Success..Blessings will always come your way. You see Success is of a Spiritual Mindset and effort… Money is a material thing.


The great Bob Marley said…Money is numbers and numbers never end…If it takes money to make you Happy your search for happiness will never end.

Don’t you know that every single thing in your life that happens to you is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come….never ask for security..But do ask for Adventure. Always believe in the impossible, then go and make it happen.

It is pure evidence that you are not going to get out of this life alive. No one, and I mean no one is ever going to live forever in this physical form. I don’t care how much money you acquire or how big a house you live in, or how big your car or bankroll is, when you die everyone’s grave is going to be the same size.

Always think to improve yourself and your situation, and then work toward it..

We are now in the information age…Do not use outdated strategies.

The Universe is coming forth as it should…the question you must ask yourself and answer is ARE YOU???


Never fear the truth…listen to your instincts, your instincts guide you…Intellect can explain it…but instinct can find it. What do you do instinctively???

I can’t answer those questions for you.. That is something you must do for yourself

Wisdom comes with age…but sometimes it comes alone..and in thought

For sure…Success is going to happen with or without you…the choice is yours. You are either on the way …or in the way

Any one that ever accomplished anything at some time did not know how they were going to do it…They only knew THEY WERE GOING TO DO IT..!! Majority of people who have achieved great things have been great Dreamers. The most Successful people are the ones who Dream with their Eyes Open

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be is Yesterday and the other is Tomorrow.

Think about this…Falling down is how we grow…but staying down is how we die..Life is about growing.

You are the I of I AM..


SUCCESS is not Final…Failure is not Final…It is the courage to continue that counts.

So I want YOU to Continue On..Continue On..Continue On..working on “THE ROAD TO SUCCESS”


William Murry.. Author of the series “THE ROAD TO SUCCESS”

President of Millionaire Mastermind Institute

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