Rules for Success

1. You must have a Vision Board, a Life Plan, and a Business Plan,. (your goals must be conceivable, believable, achievable, and must be measured) and above everything else..must be IN WRITING.!!! If You Think It..Ink it.

2. You must be respectful, caring, and honest.

3. You must be a critical thinker and — think futuristic

4. You cannot let Nay-Sayers, can’t doers, or dream thieves discourage you.

5. You must read, study, read, study, and then read and study some more. (The sad thing is that 58% of the population never read and study, and only 3% have a library card.) You have to be the exception.

6. You must be open minded and coachable. (Do not think you know everything and can do everything alone)

7. You must be patient, persistent, determined, and you must have fun.

8. You must be giving and forgiving.

9. Don’t be afraid to change… The more you change, the more things around you change.

10. Be Thankful for Everything.!!!!

One major mistake we tend to make is we spend more money on the outside of our head than we do on the inside of our head. If we were to take the money in our wallets and spend it on the inside of our head, the inside of our head would put more money in our wallets.

If you want to be Great…You must walk hand in hand with Great and Successful people. Success always leaves footprints. (Booker T Washington)

Show me someone content with mediocrity and I will show you someone destined to fail. Most times it is risky not to take risk. You have to step out on faith. Life will gladly PAY YOU whatever you work for, and the Price you ask of it.

If you are satisfied with where you are in life, kindly step aside for the person who isn’t.

Learn to see with your spiritual, and your minds eye. Learn to see with your third eye and to hear with your third ear.

Good, Better, Best…Never let it rest,…Until Your Good is Better, and Your Better is Best..!!!

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